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Monday, September 20, 2010

English Homework 9/20/10

The theme that I picked was, If you don't speak up, others will try to impose their will upon you. William Golding develops this theme in multiple ways throughout the book. One way that Golding develops this is in the meeting when Piggy disapproves of what Jack wants to go and do. Piggy doesn't say anything at first. He tries to speak up, but it is too late for Jack had already left. Another way that Golding develops this is through the littluns. The littluns go to every meeting. The biguns do not think that the littluns count as a part of the group. The littluns are forced to go along with whatever the group is doing, because they do not speak up against it. This silence causes them to be thought of as people that are "just there". No one seems to truely care if they are safe or not. This is how Willaim Golding develops the theme.

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