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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chinese relationships between men and women [absent 1/18/11]

  • follow men
  • serve family
  • Yin
  • soft
  • yielding
  • passive
  • tranquil
  • in charge
  • run family
  • Yang
  • hard
  • active
  • assertive
  • dominating

Chinese relationships between mother and daughter [absent 1/18/11]

expected to obey elders
learn by obedience, observation, and immitation
elders don't explain

internalized values and knowledge
assume all knowledge present

Chinese Ghosts vs. American Ghosts [Absent 1/18/11]

Chinese Ghosts:
Don't have chins
Can only be seen out of the corner of the eye

American Ghosts:
Can be seen when facing any direction (except away from)
Have chins
Sometimes, cannot be seen at all

An obsession that we all seem to have
Usually a way of psychologically venting the death of a loved one or ancestor

Chinese dialects (Mandarin, Cantonese, Wu) [Absent 1/18/11]

  • Mandarin: the dialect of Chinese spoken in Beijing and adopted as the official language for all of China
  • Cantonese: the dialect of Chinese spoken in Conton and neighboring provinces and in Hong Kong and elsewhere outside of China
  • Wu: a dialect spoken in the Yangtze delta

Chinese Immigration into The United States [Absent 1/18/11]

  • Large Scale immigration began in 1800's due to the Gold Rush
  • In 1920, the Chinese population of the U.S. fell to 62,000
  • Chinese make up the largest Asian population in the U.S. today

Gam Saan (Gold Mountain) [Absent on 1/18/11]

In 1849, during the Gold Rush, Northern California was given the name of Gam Saan or Gold Mountain by the Chinese. They pooled money together in order to send their sons to Gam Saan (Gold Mountain) to become rich.