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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Antigone Journal #4

"Choose two themes and discuss how each theme is similar to or different to a theme in one of the other plays we have read."
1. Blood ties/Family
This is similar to Blood Wedding because in Blood Wedding the two families felt that they had to take sides when the Bride ran away. Everyone knew the inevitable death of one member of one of the families would happen which leads to my second theme.
2. Inevitable Death
Inevitable Death shows up in both Blood Wedding and Antigone. However, in Blood Wedding, the inevitable death is not known to the characters themselves, nor to anyone around them. No one actually knows that they will inevitably die in the end. In Antigone, the inevitable death is known to the main character, and she excepts it. She even is willing to create it herself.

Antigone Journal #3

"Anouilh bombards his audience with conflicting ideas, phrases, images..choose a set of concepts: yes vs no, ugly vs pretty, truth vs lies, illusions vs reality, dull vs color...discuss how and why Anouilh creates the tension between the contrasting ideas."Creon's idea of order vs. chaos
Creon talks about how as a king he cannot put his own feelings first. He talks about the reason he cannot put his own feelings first is because he must set an example and must maintain order. However, he is willing to just send Antigone to bed and not speak another word of this instead of giving her the punishment because she is his neice. This creates chaos within his system because his family can get away with things the first time.
This contributes to the overall theme of blood ties/family being stronger than duties/society. The tension that is created through this idea of order vs. chaos lends itself to the feeling of discontent that Antigone is feeling about her own brother not getting the proper burial when the other brother did. It helps the audience to side with Antigone in her struggle, but at the same time makes them understanding toward Creon. This creates that harmony within a tragedy.

Antigone Journal #2

"How has the role of the chorus changed? What type of tone does the author use with the chorus and what words help to support your analysis? How does the chorus comment on the tragic elements of the play?"The role of the Chorus has changed a lot since the beginnign of the play. The role of the Chorus is no longer to give us the back story or to narrate. It is now to make the audience feel and feel deeply. Chorus is used to express the inexpressible and to explain the difference between tragedy and melodrama. The tone of Chorus is thoughtful, expressionistic. Chorus uses words like vulgar, practical, restful, hope, doubt, and other reflectionistic words. These words express the fact that he may just be thinking out loud. Chorus comments on the tragic elements of the play in a different tone. It is an indifferent tone because according to Chorus, "he who kills is as innocent as he who gets killed" (24).

Antigone Journal #1

"In order for you to consider character's motivations, I would like you to consider how Anouilh structures the play. To accomplish this, outline the events in the 48 hours prior to Nurse catching Antigone sneaking in the house. After doing so, address how Anouilh explains the previous days events? How does Anouilh's structure affect the reader's interpretation of characters, motivations, or events?"
Events in the last 48 hours:
Eteocles won't give up his throne to his brother Polynices like he is supposed to
Polynices wants his turn to rule
Polynices goes and gets 6 other foreign princes and tries to take over his city, Thebes
Brothers fight for kingdom with men fighting at each of the 7 gates to the city, Thebes
-Both brothers die at the hands of each other
-This leaves no other men next in line for the throne except for their uncle, Creon
--Creon orders that Eteocles be burried with all the sacred rights and rituals
--Creon orders that Polynices not be burried and anyone caught doing so will be punished by death
Antigone (their sister) burries (or attempts to bury) Polynices body
Antigone goes to Haemon's house dressed in her sisters clothing and perfume and makeup
-wants to be Haemon's wife sooner because she knows she won't make it to the wedding

Anouilh explains the previous day's events through the use of the Choir. Only a couple things are explained through Antigone. Choir is basically like a narrator. He provides descriptions of the characters and the back story to what is going on.

Anouilh's structure affects the reader in multiple ways. One way is that all of the lines of the character are glumped together into one large paragraph. This makes it seem like the characters are much more dense and have a lot more to say. It also makes it feel less poetic and "old". It makes the events in the story seem like they are chunked into specific times instead of just flowing naturally. It feels more rigid and staged instead of poetic, lyrical, and flowing.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Topic Sentence

Maid appears to be a symbol for the Romanticism movement, but she actually is against the ideals of Romanticism making her a symbol of Modernism. This is shown through her fantasizing about the wedding and her protection of the bride. Maid represents the shift from Romanticism to Modernism and how the two play into eachother.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Blood Wedding Journal #6

"Create a list of themes that Lorca creates in the play"
  • Knives
  • Death
  • Destruction
  • Despair
  • Duty/honor
  • Love
  • Life
  • Happiness
  • Faithfulness
  • Mother vs. Father vs. Child
  • Youth vs. Adult
  • Fantasy/Dream
  • Reality
  • Fate and not being able to get out of it or change it
  • Blood
  • Family